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Page Revision: 2011/06/23 13:10

Setup Accounts

The Setup area is where administrators can setup and edit risk and account information.
A list of all current accounts is displayed. To create a new account, click the link at the top of the screen. You can also click to view a list of deleted accounts.
Enter the information for the new account:

{|cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" | Account | The account number that gets sent to the exchange. This must be unique. T4 has an account override feature which allows you to enter an alias account here and the real account later |- | Firm - The firm that the account belongs to. This must be the same firm as the user that this account will be assigned to |- | Name - The name of the account. This will appear in the account list. If an account needs to be edited, it will be edited using this name. If a back office import is done for the firm then this field will be updated automatically. |- | Display Name - Name that gets prefixed to the account name displayed in the frontend. Can also be used for a trader who wants to sort multiple accounts in the frontend if executing give-up trades |- | Enabled - Whether the account is enabled or not. If it is not enabled, the account cannot have orders placed for it unless the user has Risk Manager permissions. Existing orders can still be pulled if the account is disabled.
Allow Order Routing - Allows API applications to specify different exchange rules
Account Mode - Three risk modes to choose( need link to explain differences)
Max Clip Size - The maximum size order that can be placed for the account. For example, 100 means 100 lots are accepted, but 101 lots are rejected.
Max Position - The maximum position allowed in any market for the account. For example, 20 means 20 lots are allowed in each market (in multiple markets at the same time), but 21 are rejected.
Blank = no restrictions 0 = no position is allowed, and all orders will get rejected
Max Pit Trades - The total volume (buys + sells) of pit trades allowed in any individual market per trading day. Blank = no restrictions 0 = prevents any pit trades being entered Note: This does NOT apply to users with the RiskManager role set
Daily Start Trading Time The time of day after which the account may start opening positions. Must be entered as Central Time regardless of your time zone or the time zone of the user Blank = no restriction.
Daily Stop Trading Time The time of day after which this account cannot open positions. Must be entered as Central Time regardless of your time zone or the time zone of the user Blank = no restriction
Net Liquidating Balance This can be populated by a backoffice download or manually by an administrator
P&L Warning (%) - The % of the balance used by P&L that triggers warnings on the front end. 100 =100% of the balance has been used 0 = means none of the balance has been used Blank = P&L Warning not setup
Allow Back Office Balance Updates Select this if the account's balances can be updated from a back office data feed (if available)
Allow Back Office Position Imports Select this if the account's overnight positions can be updated from a back office data feed (if available)
Back Office System Firm Code Firm codes can be entered here for report purposes
Back Office System Office Code Firm office codes can be entered here for report purposes
Back office System Sales Code Firm sales codes can be entered here for report purposes
Daily Position Rollover Select if any end of day positions should be rolled over to the next trading day. When the orders are cleared out at the end of the day in each market, if the account has a position, then a new order will be created in the next trading day containing the fill details of that position. This is useful for accounts that only trade on T4. If the account is also traded on another system (e.g. in the pits) then this position is likely to be inaccurate and hence should not be rolled over.

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